Friday, March 4, 2011

Who is Lillard Custatio?

As if working full time, going to grad school full time, HGTV'ing anything I can get my hands on, taking pictures of whatever sparks my attention and being an ambassador to some amazing skin care products ( Check out my webstie @ I decided I needed a blog too.  The title: A day in the life of Lillard Custatio.  Who the hell is Lillard Custatio? Lillard Custatio is the alter ego of my sweet loving little chorkie, Lilly.  On a typical day Lilly likes to sleep cuddled up next to your legs under the covers, or sit on your shoulder like a parrot and watch tv, or lay in your lap to have her belly rubbed. 

Lillard Custachio is a crazed little gremlin like creature who runs at the speed of light up and down stairs, across kitchen floors, can leap over couches in a single bound and who often speaks in an odd spanish-like dialect. Unlike giving sugar to young children, or spilling water on a gremlin, there is no known cause for the madness that ensues when this sweet little dog is transformed. 

So there you have it. My first blog. It's kind of lame but I promise it will be more interesting when my midterms are over, and my brain isn't filled with psychobabble and research papers.

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