Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday ... This is probably the most productive thing I've done today.  Actually that's not true, I did some laundry, took the dog for a walk, went to the grocery, planted some forget-me-nots, replanted some Hyacinths (my house smells like spring now:) ), and unintentionally took a very long,  my phone rang 3 times and i didn't hear it when I woke up I wasn't sure what day it was...nap.  Don't you love those?  SO I guess I did get some things accomplished today.  Oh, and I killed a giant centipede.  If you get the heeby jeebies abt bugs now is when you want to stop reading.  For the longest time I thought  this nasty thing, was called a silverfish.  They were all over the old house that I lived in when I was in college.  Imagine taking a shower, and seeing one of these bad boys come out of the drain and scurry toward you.  And by the way, they have 15 pairs of legs as an adult, so they aren't exactly slow.  With four girls in one house, and these things popping up whenever they felt like it, you can imagine the screams that came out of that bathroom.  At first we were pretty sure someone was being killed.  Then it just got to be a normal occurrence.  I have not had to deal with these little ass holes since I moved out of that house thank goodness.  When Kalen and I lived in Cleveland, our house was on a large lot, with a field behind the property.  We had HUNDREDS of roley poley bugs that crept in through the foundation. HUNDREDS.  They were annoying, but weren't really threatening because if you came near one, they just rolled up in a ball and played dead.  Then there were the wolfe spiders.  Big, freakin crunch and bleed when you step on them if you can catch them spiders.  Lets get one thing straight...I DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS. Not at all.  But given where we lived,  I had to deal with the fact that they were around, and learn not to leave anything on the floor that I didn't want a spider in/on.  These spiders weren't aggressive, they were just huge and hairy and scary looking.  I still didn't like them, but I made my peace with them because they ate all of the smaller spiders, and weird little bugs that came out of that field and made it into our house.  So after I saw one of these nasty centipedes today, I decided to google them to see  what purpose they serve.   They basically serve no purpose.... I mean they eat other bugs and stuff too, but there are plenty of other creatures that have that covered, so I really thinkg their sole purpose is to freak me out. For Real. I HATE them.  They are so fast, and if you can catch one to smash's legs twitch....all of them....UGH. EWE.  I know this is a random post but...whatever no one really reads this anyway :)

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